3 Life Quotes That Impacted My Perspective On Life

Dilan Espinosa
3 min readDec 3, 2020

Developing A Growth Mindset

Every day we’re constantly bombarded with photos, how-to’s, videos, self-development tactics… the list is endless… Here are some of my favorite quotes that have stuck with me and made me transform my view on life…


Your life is meaningless and empty. — Landmark Forum

Now I know what you’re thinking… how is this uplifting or inspiring? Remember, I’m just sharing some quotes that have really impacted my life for the better and I’ll shed some light as to why this one in particular really hit home…

If you haven't heard of Landmark Forum, it doesn't matter… how they explain this is what really matters… it’s profound. When we really dissect the mere fact that our life is meaningless and empty, what it’s really saying is that we as human beings make meaning out of everything. Certain events in our lives shaped us who we are today… whether that be good or bad. The bright side is we have a choice to make meaning out of those particular events or not. We can start our lives right now with a fresh blank canvas when we live through the idea that our life is “meaningless”. So small things that we gave meaning to in the past that have bothered us… don't have any power now unless we give it meaning.


You’re going to die. — Gary Vaynerchuk

Love him or hate him… he has a point. When we understand that we’re living on borrowed time, we stop taking our lives for granted and shift to a more grateful state of mind. Living with intent, moving beyond fear, and more importantly… staying present in the moment and not allowing the past or future to rob you of the now. Take those risks, move past the fear of embarrassment, rejection, the unknown, and just do. This life is precious… you’ve hit the lottery!


I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. — Lucille Bell

If there is one thing I hate in this world the most… it’s the feeling of regret. Not knowing what could've been… that “what if” feeling… daydreaming of all the possible outcomes that could've arisen if you just moved past that fear. I forgot where I heard it but someone said “Fast forward to the end of your life when you’re in your death bed… and someone asks you if you had done all the things you've wanted to do.” What are you going to say to yourself? Did you do everything you’ve wanted to do?

Fear and hesitation is the biggest reason why people’s dreams die. Rather than fearing the unknown… embrace it. Would you rather know what’s on the other side if you took that chance or never knowing at all?

Thank you for reading my 3 life-changing quotes, hope you all enjoyed :)



Dilan Espinosa

In a world where we’re all looking to find ourselves I believe less in trying… more Being.